Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Carbon footprint

My carbon footprint. Every time I test it I'm assured to have huge feet. Though being environmentalist, in past years I have become to be a hell of a consumer. And yes, I feel guilty about that. And no, I haven't changed my habits as much as I'm capable to change. But it's been a while since I have filled any on-line questionnaire about my consumption.

Question: What best describes the climate zone you live in? If you are not sure, the dominant climate for your country is already selected.

I didn't know that I live in tropical and wet climate, including rainforests. Well, technically I'm not living in a country that no longer exists (Serbia & Montenegro). Though I'm living in a country that in a way doesn't yet exist. Questionnaire, we're even?

Or actually, at least according to one website, Montenegro has some jungle, so maybe it counts. (And I had to check dictionary the other meanings for jungle to believe that fact.)

Question: Please enter the number of kilometers you travel per year for each mode of transportation:

Automobiles, including personal vehicles, taxis, and carpools

Bus, including metro and long distance service

Rail, including subways, inner-city light rail, cross country trains

Air travel

Hahahahaha! How easy. Let me think...Only for past two weeks I have traveled at least by jeep, car, van, plane, train, taxi, bus, tram, (you name it!) as well as by foot and bike (after making up some round numbers and clicking next, I get an ”Error:0” sign).

"Congratulations, you are living an ecologically conscientious lifestyle. If everyone lived like you do, we would need only 0.47 Earths."

I don't believe this. Let's check the statistics. Yeap, I was right. In ¾ sections my answers show zero. I know the truth. I overconsume, and badly. Mostly due to my passion to explore and vagabond.

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