Location: Office couch, rainy Peja
Mood: Good
Energy level: 88 %
First of all, I'm lazy to write diary. Secondly, I really don't care to share my feelings in public. Anyhow, after seven months in Kosovo it feels it's finally time to start. Here I am. This is me. Or part of me. I will never reveal everything. How could I when it's not clear to myself either?
Today I found a stranger in our office. I sat in this same couch, alone, checking my emails and sorting some random thoughts in my head when I saw Him. But later about that. First, I want to tell you something about myself. I am an EVS volunteer.
Two last months have been quite hectic, especially previous four weeks. Summer camps x2 and all the hassle that is linked to them, one preparation week from which I decided to dedicate half to myself in peace and quiet but ended up being hosted by an Albanian family for two days, leading ten Kosovar youth (yes yes yes, Albanian but I'm referring to nationality in passport in this case) safely to Slovenia and back, training in Serbia, guests in Peja... great times and yet so tiring. But mountains – I could praise those mountains for hours. Or no, I wouldn't. I would just be quiet and let them take over me.
Accursed mountains. Coming and going up and down to the mountains sometimes with a van full of kids, sometimes squeezed in the backseat of a jeep with more or less random people and sometimes, some parts, by foot – with 20 kids, with a friend (happens to be my boss too) or alone. Sleeping in an abandoned (and by the way never used) school, in a tent, in a cabin, or just under the stars. The last one was the night with Perseids (google if you don't know the meaning), cheap vodka (in reasonable quantities of course), and some serious talk with the executive director, followed by quality sleep. Mountains. It's clear that part of my heart will be there where ever I'll go. I'm in love. I'm in love with the mountains.
And now we have a mouse in our office. We had at least two, I think. I found one in a pink plastic bag, wrapped in folio eating and enjoying life until I came into picture. And enjoying life after that too, as I let it be. But my colleague wasn't as cooperative and took it out. The pink plastic bag, the folio, the mouse, everything. I hope that mouse survives out there. After couple hours, one curious and brave tiny creature appeared to my vision. Another mouse. It was so tiny. I felt a bit sad. The family had lost one of its members. Maybe it was looking where its friend was. I don't think they will ever find each other again.
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