Saturday, October 16, 2010

Boys boys boys

They are raised to be kings of the city, if not the world. They are let to do whatever they want, and even encouraged to do stupid things. They are spoiled, they are wayward, they are sons. They are loved. More than daughters.

Within a week I have twice stopped a bunch of boys tormenting a stray kitten. Last time yesterday. A kitten was running under a car, three boys following and trying to kick it. I flipped out (in my mind) and angrily compelling them to stop. I got some weird faces but didn't care. Finally boys ran away and the kitten was safe for a while at least.

The other day we were having a walk with my friend. In one hour timeline two random boys tried to kick or hit us. And what do parents do? They laugh. Boys are boys.

Here, a family concept is different. A new wife moves to her husband's home after the wedding. And I mean home-home. With a mother-in-law, and other brothers' families. She goes to visit her own family once a month for a week or so. In her new home, under the eye of the mother-in-law, the newest bride serves everyone. She stands up whenever someone comes of goes to the room. She brings coffee to guests. This continues until she gives birth to a son. Daughters don't count. Sons do. Oh, and only the sons inherit, too.

What is this patriarchal society? Raised to believe in equality, I find it really hard to accept such things. Today, (I would say luckily) more and more city girls share my thoughts. But village girls - this is their dream. To get married to a wealthy family. To get a son. Because they are so precious. They are kings of the city.

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