Spiders fascinate me. I love them, and still I'm a bit scared of them. I don't have problems to take them to my hand (though I really used to). I even have a spider tattoo. And the word spider - regardless the language - somehow it fits my mouth. It kind of tastes good.
Spider. Marimanga. Hämähäkki. Spindel.
It hasn't always been like this. When I was little, I used to be scared of spiders. Very scared. Now, after years have passed by, I have turned to love them. It's funny. Another thing I used to be scared of and later turned to love is thunderstorm.

I am not a big fan of other bugs than spiders. On the other hand, I can't kill any bigger animal than a mosquito (ok a deer fly, my greatest enemy, doesn't count here).
So, here's the pattern:
six legs -> not so happy with them
eight legs - > love
(Should I put here also two legs...?)
But: now I have encountered a new creature that lives in my house. And it has 30 legs. 30. Like, T-H-I-R-T-Y! And I can assure, it wasn't a small creature. I mean 30 legs already need some space themselves, not to mention the body that holds them. According to my formula (more legs, more love?) I should have really warm feelings towards this one. Unfortunately it wasn't the case. Though I had some strong feelings - I had a nightmare the night after meeting a centipede. These are the rare moments I find myself missing Finland (a little). At least it's so cold there that not all these weird things come to lurk in your house.
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